Michael Cohen

Trump Slams Lawyer Michael Cohen for Taping Private Conversation about Karen McDougal’s Claim of an Affair in 2006

The FBI raided the office of Michael Cohen, President Trump's longtime lawyer, following a referral by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, a move that Trump pointed out was 'unheard of.' The President expressed incredulity that Cohen taped a conversation with him, asking what kind of lawyer secretly records his clients? [...]

Hearings On Confirming Kavanaugh? Not 'Til After Trump's Treason Trial

I bet Señor Trumpanzee wishes he had given a Russophile and suck-up like Devin Nunes the DNI job instead of ex-Senator Dan Coats (R-IN), who he nominated and who is now serving. Nunes is, after all, an unpatriotic self-server. Is "anti-patriotic" a word? In the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, Nunes defeated an attempt by the Democrats to subpoena Trump's interpreter at his Helsinki meeting with Putin, an idea proposed by Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-MA).

Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Secretly Taped Him Discussing Playboy Model Payoff

(ZHE) President Trump’s former longtime attorney, Michael Cohen, secretly recorded Trump two months before the 2016 US election discussing payments to a former Playboy model who said she and Trump had an affair, according to the New York Times, citing lawyers and others familiar with the recording which was seized during an FBI raid on Cohen’s office. “The F.B.I. […]

Tom Arnold meltdown LIVE on CNN. Trump Derangement Syndrome claims latest victim (Video)

Roseanne’s ex-husband and hollywood liberal looney, Tom Arnold, says he’s teaming up with President Trump’s former longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to “take down” the president.
Arnold has been making claims all last week that he is plotting with Cohen to take on, and take down the POTUS…
“I say to Michael, ‘Guess what? We’re taking Trump down together, and he’s so tired he’s like, ‘OK,’ and his wife is like, ‘OK, f*** Trump.'”

Watch: Tom Arnold Trainwreck on CNN as Cohen Denies Plan to “Take Down Trump”

(ZHE) — We suspect Tom Arnold just went from D-list to Z-list celebrity after this appearance on CNN, which can truly only be defined as a trainwreck. tom arnold just appeared on CNN and it was a train wreck pic.twitter.com/f7NGNGejIs — Aidan McLaughlin (@aidnmclaughlin) June 22, 2018 Additionally Michael Cohen hit full panic mode and denied any […]

FBI Investigating Mercer's Cambridge Analytica

Cambridge Analytica was created around 2013, initially with a focus on U.S. elections, with $15 million in backing from Long Island neo-Nazi billionaire Robert Mercer. Steve Bannon came up with the name, which was focussed on stealing U.S. elections.I've been told that no law enforcement agencies have questioned Mercer or his vicious crackpot daughter Rebekah, the owners of the company, and the fascists behind the direction it has taken.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahPoor Sean Hannity! He tries so hard to be the biggest buffoon in the world. But then he goes and puts a man named Giuliani on his show and the whole world starts to doubt whether Sean really is the biggest buffoon in the world, or, Le Buffoon of Buffoons! Well, consider this, putting Rudy on your show, for multiple nights no less, is quite a buffoonish move, so maybe Sean's goal is still achievable.