Michael Cohen

Senate wants to know about Cohen’s ‘Trump evidence’ as his lawyer denies ‘mixed up’ Russia claims

RT | August 24, 2018 Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said his committee is interested in Michael Cohen’s alleged evidence on President Trump. However, recent comments by Cohen’s lawyer have cast doubt over such ‘evidence.’ Michael Cohen, Trump’s one-time ‘fixer’ and attorney was convicted on eight counts of campaign finance violations, tax fraud, and […]

Be Careful What You Ask For: Wasting Time with Manafort, Cohen, and Russiagate

By Jim Kavanagh | The Polemicist | August 23, 2018 So, Paul Manafort, described by the New York Times as “a longtime lobbyist and political consultant who worked for multiple Republican candidates and presidents,” was convicted of bank fraud, tax fraud and failure to report a foreign bank account. And Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former […]

Internet Loses It After Trump Lawyer Cohen Launches GoFundMe to Pay Legal Costs

“Michael Cohen doesn’t need half a million dollars to help him ‘tell the truth,’ and he’s not a #Resistance hero. He’s an absolute scumbag who is telling the truth because otherwise he’ll spend the rest of his life in jail.” (CD) — Just hours after President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen admitted to taking part […]

Cohen Suddenly Willing to Tell Mueller About Trump’s “Conspiracy To Collude” With Russia

If there was any doubt whether Michael Cohen had flipped, despite statements that he was not cooperating with the government as part of his guilty plea and refusing to name the “candidate” who instructed him to violate campaign finance law, that was promptly dissolved in the following hours when Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis said that his client has “knowledge” about computer hacking and collusion, and is willing to speak with Special Counsel Robert Mueller about a “conspiracy to collude” with Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Cohen Willing to Tell Mueller About Trump’s “Conspiracy to Collude” With Russia

(ZHE) — If there was any doubt whether Michael Cohen had flipped, despite statements that he was not cooperating with the government as part of his guilty plea and refusing to name the “candidate” who instructed him to violate campaign finance law, that was promptly dissolved in the following hours when Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis said that […]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 156 Catholic Church Cover Up with Ed Opperman and Brian Heiss

This week my guests are Ed Opperman and Brian Heiss. First, we covered the latest development in the #MeToo saga: the allegations that Asia Argento abused actor Jimmy Bennet. We discussed who may have leaked this to the New York Times and why. We also touched on the complexities of sexual abuse, and how many victims go on to victimize. The conversation then shifted to the recent Pennsylvania Attorney General report which investigated rampant sexual abuse in the state’s Catholic Church.