Michael Cohen

So, Who's The Rat?

I never trusted that Michael Cohen was actually a "rat." I mean he could be, but I'll believe he really turned against Trump when I see it. Chris Hayes never seems to have bought in either, right? Lanny Davis is a classic piece of shit, the very worst of the garbage the dregs of the Clinton establishment vomits up from time to time. So anything he says... is never believable enough to trust.

In Stunning Reversal, Michael Cohen’s Attorney Backpedals On Trump-Russia Claims

Lanny Davis – the attorney for Michael Cohen, has massively backpedaled on “confident assertions” that Cohen would share information with investigators that President Trump knew of Russian efforts to undermine Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton – a lifelong friend of Davis’.
The Washington Post reported on Sunday that Davis said in an interview that he is “no longer certain about claims he made to reporters on background and on the record in recent weeks about what Cohen knows about Trump’s awareness of the Russian efforts.

In Stunning Reversal, Michael Cohen’s Lawyer Backpedals on Trump-Russia Claims

(ZHE) — Lanny Davis – the attorney for Michael Cohen, has massively backpedaled on “confident assertions” that Cohen would share information with investigators that President Trump knew of Russian efforts to undermine Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton – a lifelong friend of Davis’.  The Washington Post reported on Sunday that Davis said in an interview that he is “no longer […]

Israeli Daily Warns American Jews of Trump’s Downfall

Haaretz delivered a warning today to American Jewry. “If Trump falls, the testimonies of Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg could spark an anti-Semitic Backlash.”
Many have passed through the Trump Administration’s revolving door and faded away quietly but those who may bring the president down are “the lawyer-fixer (Michael Cohen), the smut-dealing publisher (David Pecker) and the numbers whiz who knows it all (Alan Weisselberg).” Prominent Haaretz correspondent Chemi Shalev is honest enough to openly acknowledge that “the trio’s public profile is a Jewish stereotype.”

Manafort aims for pardon, as Michael Cohen gets played by Hillary’s lawyer (Video)

Much is being written and discussed on mainstream media with regards to the Paul Manafort verdict, and the Michael Cohen plea deal. MSNBC and CNN are crying impeachment every other second, while more measured and grounded analysts are unable to find how paying hush money to extortionists, from personal funds, affects Trump’s presidency in the slightest.
Perhaps this comment from Zerohedge sums it all up…

I Wonder If Trump's Lawyers Have Explained What Obstruction Of Justice Is

What Would Freud Do? by Nancy OhanianEveryone's been waiting for Señor Trumpanzee to claim ignorance of Michael Cohen. "Michael who?" "Ice cream cone?" I barely kew the guy." So, true to form, yesterday he told the brain-dead crew at Fox & Friends that Cohen "worked more or less" as a "part time" employee... a lawyer for me, one of many.