Michael Brown

PPR episode 202 After the Up Rising with John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski

[YouTube version available soon] After a long absence, I am back with a brand new episode for my listeners. I was joined by journalists John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski. We discussed their new podcast series “After the Uprising: The Death of Danyé Dion Jones,” which takes on the mysterious death of Danyé, a young black […]

Police Violence: the Tip of an Iceberg

It could be that the ongoing gratuitous murders by police across America are not mistakes but part of a program of terror and fear to control, to maintain unjust apportionment of power, resources, money, in the hands of a few. As the need rises, more people of color are cut in to positions of power to control others. But as the presidency of Barrack Obama suggests, buying off minorities with models of success is not a solution.

The Problem With Colin Flaherty

If you haven’t heard of Colin, he is one of many people booted from YouTube for telling unpalatable truths. His current situation is somewhat ambiguous, but his channel was removed in 2015 and again in 2018. It had a massive subscriber base. When people are kicked off YouTube it is supposed to be forever, but currently there are at least two channels in his name: one has nearly eight and a half thousand subscribers; the other has far fewer.

Self Determination: What it is, What it isn’t

Mass resistance against police brutality in the US resurfaced after 18-year-old Michael Brown was murdered by the police in August of 2014. The sights of tanks and militarized police forces in response to the subsequent rebellions in Ferguson and St. Louis only blew air on the flames of injustice that were ignited when Michael Brown’s killer, officer Darren Wilson, was not indicted by the US judicial system. Since then, hundreds of Black Americans have been killed at the hands of the police.