Rudy Giuliani drops truth bombs: “Steele memorandum written in Ukraine” (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani’s stunning revelation that he will not be going to Ukraine, to follow up on Ukraine-DNC election collusion, after receiving information that he was walking into a trap set up by Ukrainian oligarchs and corrupt officials close to the new Ukrainian President Zelensky.
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The Tale of a ‘Deep State Target’

Daniel Lazare reviews George Papadopoulos’s book about his misadventures with a nest of intelligence agents. By Daniel Lazare – Consortium News – April 4, 2019 Now that Russian collusion is dead and buried thanks to Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, the big question is how and why such charges arose. George Papadopoulos’s “Deep State Target: How I […]

Douma “Chemical Attack”: Still Waiting for an Apology

By James O’Neill | OffGuardian | March 13, 2019 On 7th of April 2018 an alleged chemical attack took place in the city of Douma in the Syrian Arab Republic. Dramatic footage of the “victims” was widely broadcast throughout the western mainstream media. Particularly prominent were images of children foaming at the mouth and being […]

The Integrity Initiative and the British Roots of the Deep State: How the Round Table Infiltrated America

With the nearly weekly revelations that the British Foreign Office, MI6, and GCHQ have been behind the long standing agenda to undermine the Presidency of Donald Trump and undo the peaceful alliance between nationalist leaders in America, Russia, China and elsewhere, a new focus on the British hand in undermining the United States has become a serious thought for many citizens.

REVEALED: Amnesty International’s Historic Links to US & UK Intelligence Agencies

IMAGE: Propaganda image from the cover of Amnesty International’s report entitled, ‘Squeezing the Life Out of Yarmouk: War Crimes Against Besieged Civilians’, one of many designed to fit hand-in-glove with the joint US and UK covert regime change operation deployed against Syria since 2011. 
By Alexander Rubinstein