
Hyperempire: Spreading Chaos and Trivia Everywhere in Its Path

The Palestinians are seeking a vote in the United Nations’ Security Council on a resolution favoring their statehood, unquestionably a reasonable proposal in the minds of most of the world’s people. Of course, the United States, a permanent member of the Security Council, would automatically veto such a resolution, as it vetoes all efforts to restore order to the chaos of the Middle East. And of course, were such a resolution somehow miraculously to pass, Israel would simply ignore it, as it has ignored a long list of binding UN resolutions.

MH17 Dutch Safety Board Preliminary Report

The Dutch Safety Board, which is the lead organisation in the investigation of the MH17 downing of 17th July, issued a preliminary report today. In this post we will discuss the report and reaction to it The report is available here. As the authors said, the “preliminary report will present factual information based on the […]