
NATO Leaders Are Experiencing Trump's Mental Instability Today-- And His Devotion To Vladimir Putin

Armchair psychologists have been analyzing Señor Trumpanzee for years but long before diagnoses like cognitive decline, Malignant Narcissism, antisocial personality disorder, dementia, sociopath, Finasteride Psychotic Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder and psychosis, everyone who followed Trump for years noticed that he constantly projects.

Germany Had A Placid Election With No Surprises-- But Now There Will Be Nazis In The Bundestag

Angela Merkel didn't start fighting with any German sports stars or call any foreign leaders tacky names when she made her victory speech earlier today. Do you think Germans felt rooked? I doubt it. Things went pretty much as expected. It was her fourth consecutive national win. The German government prevented Kremlin interference and her party won a tepid victory and will now begin putting together a coalition government.The new German Nazi Party, which calls itself "Alternative for Germany" (AfD) has no deputies in the Bundestag.

Señor Trumpanzee Goes To Europe-- Putin Victory Dance

No matter how much it cost Putin to first bribe and then install Trump in the White House, it has paid off for him... in spades. Trump's first disastrous foray into Europe couldn't have gone better for Russia if Putin scripted it himself. Since the late 40's, Russia's top strategic goal in Europe has been to break up the German-American alliance.