
Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahYour first reaction to seeing this photo of VP Mike Pence and cohorts in a state of deep prayer might be that they are praying that their god will vanquish the virus that sits before them on the table. But, these are Republicans. Never forget that. And, because they are Republicans, they might see their nihilism and hate as something that they can use to grow the virus and use to their own ends.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahHeck-uva-job, Donnie! Some plan you had there! You've had quite a rough week but, surprise, surprise, you weren't at all up to the job that you conned 62,000,000 fools into giving you (Plus, thanks to the abdication of responsibility by the Electoral College). Soon you will say that the market doesn't matter just like Cheney said deficits don't matter.