
Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe Republican Party has always been loud, proud and totally out in the open about its disdain for science. To them, science is just so much mumbo-jumbo and downright witchcraft.Now with the coronavirus pandemic, we can see a blatantly obvious real-life real-time consequence of that disdain, a disdain that 62,000,000 voters endorsed when they put on their stupid red hats and voted for their false idol.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday Thoughts:Yes, Donnie Head Case and his nutball "Christian" followers want the churches packed for Easter. No isolation or 6 feet of separation for them! 6 feet under is more like it. Go for it!Meanwhile, it won't be long before Donnie Mental says:

Jesus Christ is only a hero because he got crucified. I don't like people who get crucified. I like people who don't get crucified.

J-L Cauvin, thank you for your service! You've nailed it! I encourage everyone to check out your youtube channel and I look forward to hearing your album.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahPresident Useless has turned his nightly "briefing" show into a new form of MAGA-Lie-Fest rally and, of course, just like during the 2016 campaign, the Korporate Media is giving him all the free airtime he wants for his extended horror-reality extravaganza of disrespect for humanity. We've all seen the lists of continuous lies and timelines of our psychopathic president's deliberate inaction and worse.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahFunny how it works: Even more than ever, all the ultra-pig wealthy have to do to get some cash from the special 1% socialist welfare spigot is hold out their greedy hands to congress. Freshly printed or borrowed from China? Who cares? The rest of us have to start dying by the minute for us to even get a measly check for $1200 that won't even cover the cost of our burials.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe worst of presidents for the worst of times. If he'd lived during the plague years of medieval times, he would have happily been a breeder of flea infested rats, setting them free in the dark of night and speaking his gibberish and self-aggrandizing insanity from a soapbox in the public square by day. He would have drawn a cheering crowd then, too, while his family picked their pockets and looted their homes.