
Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday Thoughts:Wuhan Wet Market my ass! Chinese lab? No way! The Old Testament shows us where to place the blame. It was the Lord! Trump and his evangelical crowd are just trying to divert blame from their guy. Covid-19 is just another sick joke from God. It's the new hell fire and brimstone. It's the new plague of locusts!And don't ever forget that The Bloated Orange Menace himself is a plague, a very deadly plague.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Saturday Cartoon Time:Another disease is inside President Psychopath's own house now. No, it's not the usual diseases that qualify one for a job at the Trump White House. It's not racism. It's not religious bigotry. It's not homophobia, or any of the other pillars of republicanism. It's not a disease that the likes of Stephen Miller can propagandize with words.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

By NoahHey Republicans! Now you can own the mask that every fine Republican dreams of wearing! Act now and we'll add in a matching robe for a complete ensemble of KKK PPE!Yes, the KKK duds that White House and Republican Congressional staffers don behind closed doors at work are Trump brand duds! And, imagine the rapture you will feel knowing that your order means more money goes to Dear Leader's 2020 campaign!

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah President Horseshit:They say (or should I say "people are saying") that periods of great stress cause an increase in great artistic works. Artists get a little extra inspired by what they see. They need only to choose how they are going to make an artistic statement.In the world of sculpture, artists use a lot of different mediums for their work. Some use clay. Some use marble. Some use various resins.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday Thoughts, Extra Blasphemy Mother's Day Edition:"Let's not blame the boy. Having one mother but two fathers is a wee bit confusing but we try to provide a sense of normalcy."So what was is it this time:1. Did he cause a ruckus at the bank? Turning over the tables again?2. Did he change the water into wine and not check IDs?3. Did he lift his robe and cause the sighted to go blind? 4. Did he lift his robe and make the blind man see?5.