
Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThere he goes again! This time President Chimp On Crack went to Arizona, a state that currently suffers from one of the biggest escalations of COVID-19 cases in the world. Upon arrival, he held a typically surreal briefing and claimed that his multi-billion taxpayer dollar boondoggle, aka The Wall, had stopped the virus. He said this on Tuesday as Arizona was setting a new record of 3591 new cases in one day.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAll in all, it's just another hole in the wall. And, Trump's ineffective wall is costing us tens of billions of our taxpayer dollars, taxpayer dollars that would have a better effect on our country's economic health and our individual physical health if they were spent on things like cancer research, environmental health, improving education, renewable energy, food security, youth programs... You get the picture.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTulsa: Donald J. Trump is no longer the hottest ticket in town. He came. He saw. He conquered nothing.The best moment of the night was when Donnie Jackass walked out on the stage and gazed is stupid gaze out to a two-thirds empty arena. He wanted 20,000 props for his reelection bid and got 6200. He thought there'd be an overflow crowd watching screens outside the arena.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday Thoughts:Ah, the ol' Christonut love and tolerance. "The Gay" makes them so bigly sad, sad, and angry. But according to this alternate universe (the place Republicans feel most at home) Peanuts satire, Repugs can take some perverse solace in having Lucy among their number:So Lucy is a classic Republican homophobe. Looks like she's a "get" for the Republikooks. Oh, well! Who knew?

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahOh, the contradictions and dilemmas that Trump supporters involve themselves in. They've spent months saying the coronavirus thing is all a bigly bigly hoax but now some of them want to go to Dear Leader's bigly bigly Campaign-opening Bigot-Fest in Tulsa this weekend. Problem is COVID-19 is exploding in Tulsa. COVID-19 is having its own party in Tulsa! And, unlike republicans, it doesn't discriminate. Everyone's invited! Come one.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe Trumpanzee is certainly consistent. Just months into his fecal presidency, he placed the white supremacist tiki torch paraders of Charlottesville into his personal category of "very fine people" when one of their number murdered Heather Heyer by deliberately plowing his car into the crowd of people protesting a statue that commemorated a defender of slavery.