
Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAs I begin writing this on Tuesday evening, 27% of the Houston, Texas population has tested positive for COVID-19. 27%; more than 1 in 4 people, heading up to 1 in 3. That's not just serious to Texas. Houston is the fourth largest city in our country. The Houston Chronicle has just published it's obituary section as a separate 43 page bound volume. Maybe their idiot governor, Greg Abbott will autograph it for selected Texas families.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah"The Good Book" is being released to the public on Tuesday. Make Tuesday Drive A Magat Over The Wall Day! How? May I suggest you also buy the audiobook version and personally weaponize it? Put it on. Crank it up and call up any republicans you have the misfortune to know. Hold your phone up to the speaker and leave an extended message. Do it repeatedly. Got a republican neighbor? Throw open the windows and play it loud.