
The Difference Between Right and Leftwing Memes

In the latest edition of ON THE QT at 21WIRE.TV, host Patrick Henningsen and guest Jay Dyer explored the cultural phenomenon of the viral internet meme, specifically looking at the popular NPC and Pepe meme.
The following presentation explores the phenomenon in a more former academic framework, in this piece entitled, On Memetic Warfare and Coded Political Language.

It is election day in Russia

Today, March 18th, Russians everywhere go to the voting locations to pick their candidate of choice for the President of the Russian Federation. This will be a six-year post.
A Russian friend of mine sent me this, and it seemed to capture the attitude and mood many people here feel about their own country and about the behavior of the United States. From the first meme, I found others that worked along the same lines. There are many but we included just ones with the cleanest language.
So, we hope you all enjoy it.