
She's Like An Agnostic-- Have You Seen Her All In Gold, Like A Queen In Days Of Old

Yesterday, Washington Post reporters Paul Kane and Rachael Bade wrote that Nancy Pelosi is skeptical of Medicare-For-All and that she questions whether Medicare-for-all can deliver benefits as good as Obamacare. I literally have never met anyone using Obamacare who likes it and I have never met anyone using Medicare who doesn't love it. So I'm confused about what Pelosi is babbling about, when she said on Thursday Medicare-For-All might be too expensive and that she'd rather build on Obamacare. "I’m agnostic," she said slyly. "Show me how you think you can get there.

The Opposite Of Berniepalooza

I spent the last few days in lovely Burlington, Vermont… at Berniepalooza. It was very inspiring, very forward-looking of course-- with speakers like Stephanie Kelton, Cornel West, Bill de Blasio, Abdul El-Sayed, Ben Jealous, Susan Sarandon, John Cusack, Bill McKibben… talking about the progressive vision for America and the world.ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council) had a conference too. It was the exact opposite-- how to abolish Social Security and Medicare kind of thing. Nancy Altman covered it for Common Dreams.

The Opposite Of Berniepalooza

I spent the last few days in lovely Burlington, Vermont… at Berniepalooza. It was very inspiring, very forward-looking of course-- with speakers like Stephanie Kelton, Cornel West, Bill de Blasio, Abdul El-Sayed, Ben Jealous, Susan Sarandon, John Cusack, Bill McKibben… talking about the progressive vision for America and the world.ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council) had a conference too. It was the exact opposite-- how to abolish Social Security and Medicare kind of thing. Nancy Altman covered it for Common Dreams.

House Republicans plan cuts to all infrastructure spending to support massive military budget

A 2019 budget plan cooked up by House Republicans aims at cutting all federal spending that isn’t defense related in an effort to reign in the debt problem. It includes massive cuts to medicare, medicaid, Social Security, education grants, welfare, and other programs aimed and softening the blow of America’s growing poverty rate. Meanwhile, this comes about while Trump is cutting taxes on the rich, introducing a ‘Space Force’, and providing massive increases to military spending.