medical-industrial complex

Bernie Sanders and the Crisis of Unpayable Medical Debt

Tears in the eyes of many at @BernieSanders medical debt town hall in Des Mones [sic]. As attendees tell their stories about ICUs, debt collectors, and coverage denials almost all have said that Sanders is “the only one I can trust” to alleviate their financial emotional burdens— Cara Korte (@CaraKorte) September 22, 2019

Hospitals-- A Place People Go To Get Even Sicker?

I'm sure many people think of hospitals as places to go to be cured of sickness. I always think of hospitals as places to go to die. And not just to die because medicine doesn't cure much of anything but die because hospitals all filled with disease so that patients who go to them are at risk of catching something unrelated to whatever brought them there in the first place-- and dying. Does that sound crazy?