Media Lens

‘Bullying’ – BBC Political Editor’s Bizarre Term For The Public Resisting The Establishment

[W]hen a senior journalist complains of 'intimidation and bullying' by the public, making comparison's to 'Vladimir Putin's Russia', the mind really boggles at the distortion of reality. Those were claims made by Robinson, the BBC's outgoing political editor, using an appearance at the Edinburgh international book festival to settle a few scores.

Whitewash – The Guardian Readers’ Editor Responds On Jeremy Corbyn

As one reads through the hundreds of articles mentioning the four Labour candidates, it becomes overwhelmingly clear that serious, much less harsh, criticism of the New Labour triumverate is not on the agenda. It just becomes obvious that there are no forces within the Guardian willing to support such a focus.
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Fantasy Politics – ‘Corbyn’s Morons’ And The ‘Sensible Approach’

Like Blair and the rest of the establishment, the Guardian and other corporate media claim their motivation is to preserve Labour's electability, rather than to attack any and all politics that stray off the 'centrist', 'modernising' path. In reality, it could hardly be more obvious that this collection of profit-seeking, corporate enterprises – grandly and laughably proclaiming themselves 'the free press' - is opposing a threat to their private and class interests.

Daesh, The Revolutionary Neoliberal Party and the British Falsehood Corporation

Imagine the BBC inviting readers to place themselves in the shoes of an Islamic State cannibal. The simple act of interviewing Abu Sakkar humanised him in a way that is unthinkable for Islamic State fighters, or any other official enemy perpetrating a comparable act.
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‘We Just Publish The Position Of The British Government’ – Edward Snowden, The Sunday Times And The Death Of Journalism

And so we find that major news organisations continue to act as mindless conduits for anonymous state propaganda, somehow unable to learn the blindingly obvious lessons of past deceptions. Given the scale of the Iraq and Libyan catastrophes, this is powerful testimony indeed to the sheer depth of the structural corruption of the corporate media system

Unfree Elections – The Corporate Media, UK General Election And Predictable Outcomes

Some readers might object that the BBC, Guardian and the Independent are not right-wing at all, but centre or even left-liberal. But, as we have shown in numerous books and media alerts, these media organisations are embedded in powerful networks of big business, finance and establishment elites.
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Hillary Clinton – Of Glass Ceilings And Shattered Countries

The destruction of Libya is not only not 'detail', it is arguably the defining fact, and crime, of Clinton's life. If an official enemy were responsible and under discussion, the idea that one could simply pass over, or take as read, their destruction of an entire country would be unthinkable.
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When Free Speech Becomes Dead Silence – The Israel Lobby And A Cowed Academia

'Israel is a gangster state. It holds the world record in the breach and defiance of international law. It regularly massacres and terrorises the Palestinian civilian population of Gaza, which even David Cameron has described as an "open prison". Its courts uphold racism as state policy. It has re-elected a congenital liar as its prime minister....'