media criticism

Facebook goes full Big Brother with new “extremism” warnings

Have you been reading things you shouldn’t online? Have you found yourself feeling frustrated and angry at the corruption of the ruling class, wealth inequality or the general state of the world? Well then, the chances are good you’ve accidentally been exposed to “misinformation” or “extremist content” spread by “violent groups” in order to manipulate …

WATCH: James Corbett on the Delingpod

British author and journalist James Delingpole sits down for a wide-ranging interview with award-winning independent journalist James Corbett. They discuss everything from the Covid19 “pandemic”, global warming, transhumanism and their own personal journeys from the mainstream to the alternative. James Corbett’s podcast, articles and documentaries are available through, and you can listen to more …

Transgressing the Logic of the New Tyrannical Normal

Daniel Broudy Scholars have speculated that Shirley Jackson’s timeless story The Lottery (1948) was a contemplation of and attempt to make sense of the ghastly forms of rationalization at work in Nazi death camps uncovered during the postwar Nuremberg trials. While the major theme of Jackson’s story, man’s general inhumanity toward humankind, continues to reverberate, the development …

Jewish groups that aid Israel’s war crimes can’t deny all responsibility for those crimes

Here is something that can be said with great confidence. It is racist – antisemitic, if you prefer – to hold Jews, individually or collectively, accountable for Israel’s crimes. Jews are not responsible for Israel’s war crimes, even if the Israeli state presumes to implicate Jews in its crimes by falsely declaring it represents all […]

A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer

Margaret Anna Alice “Totalitarianism, if not fought against, could triumph anywhere.” George Orwell The noose is dangling gently around our necks. Every day, they cinch it tighter. By the time we realize it’s strangling us, it will be too late. Those who – gradually and gleefully – sacrifice their freedoms, their autonomy, their individuality, their …

Climate is the new Covid

Kit Knightly Yesterday was Earth Day. The traditional day environmental hashtags temporarily trend across all social media sites. This year was no different, with the exception of the stronger than usual whiff of agenda. The narrative of the “deadly viral pandemic” is slowly losing momentum. Whether this is through the public having “post viral fatigue”(as …