media bias

The Dirty Campaign Underlying Ecuador’s “Free and Fair” Election

A spoiled ballot in Ecuador’s elections. Photo by @AlinaDuarte Ecuador’s April 11 election that led to a 5-point victory by conservative banker Guillermo Lasso over progressive candidate Andrés Arauz was not what it appeared to be.  On the surface, it was a surprisingly clean and professional election, as our CODEPINK official observer delegation witnessed. But […]

Methanol for the CoV2 Hypodermic Chemical Experiment

“There you have it — At-will, AKA at the beckon call, beckon abuse, beckon exploitation, beckon denigration, beckon injurious behavior and workplace environment. These employers are thugs, and from the top down, with their lawyers and MBAs and institutional misleadership yahoos at the executive level, the worker is doomed by this sick system. Forced vaccinations […]

“Hotel Rwanda” Hero Kidnapped:  Another Victim of Rwanda’s Grinding Machine

It is the 6th of April again and the western establishment’s corporate media intelligence propaganda system has again been cranking out black propaganda that continues to buttress the false narratives about genocide in Central Africa. Under this falsification of consciousness, the victims become the killers and the killers become the victims, and the true role […]

Starmer isn’t “too cautious”: he is ruthlessly tearing Labour apart

The completion of Keir Starmer’s first year as Labour leader might have passed without note, had it not been the occasion for senior party figures to express mounting concern at Labour’s dismal performance in opposition to Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government. At a time when Labour ought to be landing regular punches on the ruling […]

Propaganda by Omission: Libya, Syria, Venezuela and the UK

We live in a war-like society; one that supports, and is in league with, the world’s number one terrorist threat: the United States of America. Corporate media propaganda plays a key role in keeping things that way. Ten years ago this month, the US, UK and France attacked oil-rich Libya under the fictitious cover of […]
The post Propaganda by Omission: Libya, Syria, Venezuela and the UK first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Israel election: The Far-right is Triumphant: The Only Obstacle Left is Netanyahu

As 13 parties struggle with Israel’s complex post-election maths, seeking alliances that can assure them power, the most significant outcome of the vote is easily missed. The religious fundamentalists and settler parties – Israel’s far right – won an unprecedented and clear-cut victory last week. Even on the most cautious assessment, these parties together hold 72 […]

After 10 Years of Civil War in Syria, US (Quietly) Declares Defeat but Won’t Go Home

After a decade of bombing, invasions, exoduses and economic strife, it is clear that there are precious few winners in the Syrian Civil War — or from the rest of the Arab Spring, for that matter.
The post After 10 Years of Civil War in Syria, US (Quietly) Declares Defeat but Won’t Go Home appeared first on MintPress News.

Western Media Blitz Aimed at Russia’s Sputnik V Vaccine May Already Be Costing Lives

People are already needlessly suffering as a result of renewed great power competition as a recent DHHS report reveals that the first deaths in the second Cold War may have already occurred. 
The post Western Media Blitz Aimed at Russia’s Sputnik V Vaccine May Already Be Costing Lives appeared first on MintPress News.

“Engaging the World”: The “Fascinating Story” of Hamas’s Political Evolution

On February 4, representatives from the Palestinian Movement, Hamas, visited Moscow to inform the Russian government of the latest development on the unity talks between the Islamic Movement and its Palestinian counterparts, especially Fatah. This was not the first time that Hamas’s officials traveled to Moscow on similar missions. In fact, Moscow continues to represent an […]