media bias

Israeli preference for ISIS suppressed by the media

Here is our letter to the New York Times concerning the failure of the newspaper to report the Israeli Defense Minister’s preference for the ISIS terrorist organization, as we informed you in this column yesterday:To the EditorIs there a reason why the Times has not reported the January 19 statement of Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon that he prefers that ISIS take over Syria, if it is a choice between ISIS and Iranian forces?As you know, if ISIS were to conquer Syria, the Christian an

Soft Power Dictatorships Versus A Soft and Hard Power Failing Imperial Democracy

The New York Times is a very good newspaper, except where ideology and party line demands intrude. Unfortunately these intrusions occur often and are of great importance. The Times is the paper of record of an imperial superpower whose leaders have long and regularly flaunted international law and used their great military and economic power recklessly, in good part because they can get away with it. They push and push, eventually starting or provoking a war when their target refuses to surrender (see Gareth Porter’s Perils of Dominance).