media bias

Russian Exodus from the West

By now the West – the US, Canada, Australia and the super-puppets of Europe, overall more than 25 countries – has expelled more than 130 Russian diplomats. All as punishment for Russia’s alleged nerve gas poisoning of a former Russian/MI6 double-agent, Sergei Skripal (66) and his daughter Yulia (33), who was visiting her father from Moscow. Sergei Skripal lived in the UK for the last seven years, ever since President Putin lifted his prison sentence in 2010 in a spy swap with the UK.

Diplomatic Madness: The Expulsion of Russian Diplomats

How gloriously brave it seemed, some 23 nations coming together like a zombie collective to initiate a fairly ineffectual action in of itself: the expulsion of Russian diplomats or, as they preferred to term it, intelligence operatives.
It all began in celebratory fashion in Britain, when Prime Minister Theresa May decided to push the issue with the expulsion of 23 in the wake of the poisonings of Sergei Skripal, his daughter Yulia, and Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey.  Russia, in a reciprocal effort, retorted in kind.

The Sharks Circling Around Corbyn Scent Blood

After a short reprieve following Jeremy Corbyn’s unexpected success in Britain’s general election last year, when he only narrowly lost the popular vote, most of the Labour parliamentary party are back, determined to bring him down. And once again, they are being joined by the corporate media in full battle cry.
Last week, Corbyn was a Soviet spy. This week we’re in more familiar territory, even if it has a new twist: Corbyn is not only a friend to anti-semites, it seems, but now he has been outed as a closet one himself.

CASE CLOSED: NO COLLUSION – House Intelligence Committee votes to release findings

The House Intelligence Committee has come to its conclusion as regards the matter of whether or not the Russian government or anyone in it was involved in collusion with the Trump campaign to interfere or alter election results in the 2016 Presidential Election.
That conclusion is simple.
There was none.
Zero, zilch, zip, nada, ничего.

President Trump will not fire Robert Mueller. But would he have reason to? [VIDEO]

Robert Mueller, the Special Prosecutor assigned to ferret out any sign of collusion between Donald Trump and agencies of the Russian Federation, is continuously framed as “a man of impeccable integrity.” This is the by-line that anyone can expect to hear whenever the validity of the collusion investigation is questioned.

Remembering the War on Iraq: March 20, 2003

Today marks the 15th Anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq.
Neither solid analyses, moral reasoning and decent argument nor history’s probably largest pre-war, anti-war demonstrations worldwide had any discernible impact on the Bush and Blair Administrations’ decision to go to war and do so on a false pretext. Neither could major allies like France and Germany by their opposition to the war on Iraq persuade Washington and London to first try a peaceful resolution in accordance with the UN Charter provisions.