media bias

The Attack on Facebook is not for our Benefit

It’s some achievement to get me sympathising with Mark Zuckerberg. But denunciations from a powerful combination of a parliamentary committee in the UK and self-appointed watchdogs of the new media like the Guardian almost managed it.
The digital, culture, media and sport select committee finally published a damning report into Facebook after an 18-month investigation, as reported today by the Guardian.

Photos of swastika on Ukrainian mall stairway creates a stir [Video]

One of the aspects of news about Ukraine that does not make it past the gatekeepers of the American and Western news media is how a significant contingent of Ukrainian nationalists have espoused a sense of reverence for Nazis. The idea that this could even happen anywhere in the world in an open manner makes the claim seem too absurd to be taken seriously. Gone are the days when the Nazi swastika adorned streets and buildings in Europe. Right?
Well, maybe, wrong.

Pure Hypocrisy! Twitter Bans Users Who Advise Laid Off Journalists To Follow Same Advice Those Journalists Previously Gave to Laid Off Coal Miners

Last week, when more than 1,000 journalists were laid off, Twitter users began recommending that they take their own advice and "learn to code." But leftists did not see the humor. Twitter responded by banning users who used this occasion to poke fun at the editorial bias of the media itself.