media bias

Propaganda Pandemic: The Craziest COVID Claims Of The Year

No matter how many Americans die, corporate media is desperate to shore up support at home and attempt to discredit foreign countries for handling the pandemic properly. Behind The Headlines’ Dan Cohen reviews the most absurd COVID propaganda of the year.
The post Propaganda Pandemic: The Craziest COVID Claims Of The Year appeared first on MintPress News.

UK Parliamentarians, the British Press and Julian Assange

The number of figures extolling the merits of Britain’s Westminster system and how it supposedly embodies a glorious model of democracy are too numerous to mention.  This is despite exploits by the government of Boris Johnson, marked by the appointment of unelected advisers with enviable, unaccountable powers and a record of assault on Parliament’s scrutineering […]

Name Me One Country Where Capitalism Works

Orientation When I first considered myself a socialist revolutionary in 1970, I was hounded by free marketers’ challenge: “name me one country where socialism works”. These market fundamentalists would then hold up the most strident expectations for socialism: Everyone is exactly equal with no classes. There is an abundance of goods which are conveniently circulated. […]

Stuck in a Lift with John Pilger: News and How to Use It by Alan Rusbridger

Noticing the way journalists seemed unable to resist commenting on our work, even if it was just to slag us off, Glenn Greenwald tweeted us in 2012: ‘You are really deeper in the heads of the British establishment-serving commentariat than anyone else – congrats.’ ((Greenwald, Twitter, 12 September 2012.)) If that was true then, our relationship […]

Corporate Media Silence Deafening as Former Clinton Aide Confirms Ties to Jeffrey Epstein

The bombshell that Clinton’s closest confidant confirmed the former president's many trips aboard the "lolita express" has been totally ignored by the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC News, MSNBC, CBS News, and CNN.
The post Corporate Media Silence Deafening as Former Clinton Aide Confirms Ties to Jeffrey Epstein appeared first on MintPress News.

President Trump’s case advances in multiple states as Fraud allegations hit home [Video]

The GOP legislators in Pennsylvania are crafting a resolution to take back the authority granted them by the Federal Constitution to select and seat that state’s electors. This means that the GOP can pick people that will be likely to cast their 20 electoral votes largely, or entirely, for President Trump’s reelection. This move came […]

The Conspiracy Against Nuclear Energy: How Big Oil Built the Ecology Movement to Demonize Nuclear Energy Competition

Some skeptical questions Is nuclear energy safe? What can we do about the waste? What about Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima – don’t they prove that we can’t rely on nuclear reactors? Won’t a tiny amount of radiation kill you? Why are reactors so expensive to build with so many delays? Why don’t we just […]

Robert Fisk: Death of a “Controversial” Journalist

Robert Fisk, the Independent’s Middle East correspondent, died on 30 October aged 74. In reviewing his life and career, the newspaper for which he worked for more than two decades wrote of their star reporter: ‘Much of what Fisk wrote was controversial…’ As John Pilger noted, in describing Fisk’s journalism as ‘controversial’ the Independent was […]
The post Robert Fisk: Death of a "Controversial" Journalist first appeared on Dissident Voice.