
The Democratic Landslide In Virginia Last Night Was A Very Big Deal

Yesterday, voters headed off into the blizzard that blanketed northern Virginia with snow to vote in a special election for a state Senate seat that opened when Mark Herring was elected Attorney General. The district includes parts of Fairfax and Loudon counties and as voters drove to the polls they were hearing on their car radios about the massive indictment finally handed down for Gov. Rob McDonnell and his moll Virginia First Lady Maureen McDonnell.

Like NJ Guv KrispyKreme, ex-VA Guv McDonnell seems to have been asking: Why should white-collar crime be limited to the elites? caption: "In a Jan. 3, 2012, photo, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell wears a Rolex during an interview with the Richmond Times-Dispatch. At the time, McDonnell said the watch was a Christmas gift from his wife. Sources say Williams purchased the $6,500 Rolex for the governor at first lady Maureen McDonnell's request.

Confidential to anti-educationalist "reformers": If you're pretending not to be a right-wing stooge, be careful about hobnobbing with other RWS's

This video featuring 11-year-old Marcel Neergaard and his parents helped set in motion the revocation of StudentsFirst's "Educator of the Year" award to Tennessee's energetically homophobic State Rep. John KenThere's a certain entertainment value in the spectacle of right-wing stooges pretending not to be right-wing stooges. Some of them are better at it than others, naturally. Like term-limited outgoing VA Gov.