
Why Did John McCain Just Take a Secret Trip to Syria?

(MPNDespite his experience as a U.S. veteran and prisoner of war, Arizona Senator John McCain is about as pro-war as they come. While he faded from view somewhat following his failed bid for the presidency in 2008, McCain remains a very active senator, particularly in regards to the Syrian conflict that has raged on for the better part of six years.

Can Foreign Leaders, Outside Of Putin, Trust Anything Trump Or His People Say?

Trump's fascinating hour and 17 minutes performance art piece Thursday-- one Republican senator, not amused suggested he should have done it privately, with a therapist, not on live TV-- was unmoored from objective reality. Subject by subject, getting at any semblance of The Truth was not on Trump's agenda.

McCain And Toomey Are Running On A Platform Of Dysfunctional Obstruction Against The American People

Chuck Schumer and Jon Tester have recruited some really dreadful hacks to run for the Senate this cycle. In fact, their interference could cost the Democrats dearly. They worked to sabotage solid candidates like Alan Grayson (FL), Joe Sestak and John Fetterman (PA), Rob Hogg (IA) and PG Sittenfeld (OH) so they could please Wall Street with bankster-friendly candidates Patrick Murphy, Katie McGinty, Patty Judge and Ted Strickland.

Is The Republican Party Going To Jump Off The Cliff With Trump?

By the early 2000s pretty much everyone on Capitol Hill had a good idea that flamboyant Florida Republican Mark Foley was spending a lot more time with teenagers than men his age normally did. Not everyone knew he was screwing underage male congressional pages. But Rahm Emanuel did. Emanuel knew for certain for as long as the GOP leadership knew, at least year.

Trump Is Unlikely To Recover From His Disgraceful Treatment Of The Khan Family-- And Now He's On The Warpath Against Paul Ryan And John McCain

Today started with a Republican congressman, Richard Hanna, announcing he's voting for Hillary Clinton. He said he found Trump to be "profoundly offensive and narcissistic but as much as anything, a world-class panderer, anything but a leader.