Max Blumenthal

Using Forged Emails, “Progressive” Journalists Smear Their Own for Challenging Syria Groupthink

Three American journalists decided to do what many of their colleagues have done since the outbreak of the proxy war on the Syrian government: they traveled to the war-torn country to report what’s happening from the ground. But unlike the reporters who have made a name for themselves traipsing through some of the oldest cities in the world recently put under occupation by a miscellany of jihadist groups, these three journalists reported from areas under the control of the government.

I Bet No One Asks Biden Tonight About His Role In Creating The Northern Triangle Immigration Disaster

Status Quo Joe With Colombian President Uribe In 2017Biden doesn't want to play the role of political piñata tonight. His record, though, lends itself to exactly that. Trump will certainly use it against him if he's the nominee and the Democrats on the stage with him tonight should go all in in testing every weak point in the most repulsive record any Democratic candidate has brought to the primary stage since his old ally Joe Lieberman.

Behind the Syrian Network for Human Rights: An Opposition Front Group is a Go-to Monitor for Western Media

Corporate media relies on the Syrian Network for Human Rights for figures on deaths and detentions, never noting the group’s seamless connection to Syria’s opposition, and its public lobbying for U.S. military intervention. Max Blumenthal reports for The Grayzone. This…Read more →