Matt Taibbi

Jailed for Being Broke

What people forget is that those who've merely been charged with crimes aren't officially guilty yet. And not-yet-guilty people aren't supposed to go to the hole, except under very narrowly defined sets of circumstances – for flight risks or for threats to the community. It's certainly not supposed to be a punishment for not having $500.
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Taibbi: Sanders is "the rarest of Washington animals, a completely honest person"

Sometimes, a broken institutionNeeds a public burned enough to Gaius PubliusIn an article in Rolling Stone entitled "Give 'Em Hell, Bernie," Matt Taibbi weighs in on the Sanders presidential run. About that run, the bottom line, as far as I'm concerned, includes these three items: 1. Bernie Sanders appears to be serious about challenging both Clinton and the system, which are, in my view, somewhat coextensive. 2. If elected, he'll certainly do what he says he'll do. He won't be one more Mr.

Lee Camp on the NYPD slowdown: "I bet there are now PLENTY of police available to respond to REAL crime or REAL emergencies"

As dimwitted, dishonest, or peer-intimidated NYC cops dishonor their ranks, Lee Camp notes about the current slowdown: "Has all hell broken loose? Has there been a crime spree across Gotham worse than anything seen in the Batman movies, with catwomen throwing people out of windows? . . . Well, no. There's been . . . um . . .

A Clear Primary Choice In Rhode Island: Angel Taveras Is The Best Opportunity Progressives Have To Prevent A Raimondo Disaster

The race to be the next Governor of Rhode Island is really a battle between two people: a true progressive leader and his fake-Democrat Wall Street opponent. I want to explain why Blue America is lining up behind Angel Taveras, the bold progressive in this race.The other candidate in the race is known for one thing: having put out a "for sale" sign to Wall Street:. That's EMILY's List's supposed Democrat, Gina Raimondo.

Bija Milagro — “Source of Miracles” in America: We the People!

Taxation for what, for whom, for them, for gutted and eviscerated communities via nihilism vis-a-vis the entire casino capitalism and its banksters …?  
NPR rarely hits it right, but while working at my “other” job with developmentally disabled adults, I heard this piece on a singer-doctor-multilingual social justice thinker. It was okay, for NPR, but the interview accidentally culled a piece around new urbanism, the poor, the greenie weenie, Coder creeps I rail against ALL the time.

What kind of society is our student-loan mess producing?

"College graduates who borrowed for bachelor’s degrees granted in 2012 have an average student loan debt of $29,400, the highest average student loan debt on record."-- finding of the Institute for College Access and Success, quoted by Allison Kilkenny"For this story, I interviewed people who developed crippling mental and physical conditions, who considered suicide, who had to