Matt Taibbi

Krugman Over The Edge

I wonder if I'll ever read anything by Paul Krugman again. I doubt it. As Matt Taibbi put so elegantly in Rolling Stone Friday, "he's been doing a lot of shovel work for the Hillary Clinton campaign lately" and what he's shoveling is destroying his own reputation. Krugman's "Sanders Over The Edge" piece in the NY Times Friday was an ugly character attack but what's turned so many former Krugman fans off was his bullshit about the causes of the crash.

More On That Rolling Stone Endorsement Of The Status Quo Establishment Candidate

Several congressmen who endorsed Hillary early on have told me they wish they had never done so and had just remained neutral. "My record obviously has a lot more in common with Bernie," one told me. "I wish I had never endorsed her... I hope the voters here forget I ever did it." I bet, on one level, Jann Wenner wishes he had never sullied his magazine's credibility by endorsing the candidate that has been soundly rejected by people under 50.

What Does Rolling Stone REALLY Think Of Hillary Clinton?

The Agenda Action Project explained in great detail why their members had chosen, by an overwhelming margin, to endorse Bernie for president. The head of APA, Erik Altieri, announced the endorsement yesterday, saying, that "Bernie Sanders' campaign has ignited a fire in this country that we are honored and humbled to stoke and grow until that warm light becomes a beacon of hope-- not just for the every citizen in this country, but for people around the world.

Much Of The GOP Base Doesn't Mind Trumpf's Lies-- They Revel In Them

In my neighborhood there aren't many election campaign signs on peoples' lawns yet-- half a dozen for Bernie scattered around. One weirdo put up a Hillary sign up the block but only for one day. I don't know if she was embarrassed and took it down herself or if someone ripped it down-- although this isn't that kind of neighborhood. But what happens if some reclusive old bigot-- and I suspect someone up the hill of being that guy-- puts up a Trumpf sign?

Monday Morning: Is Trump Still The Frontrunner?

There really was only one reason Nielsen could report that the Fox News GOP debate was "the most watched primary debate in history, averaging a whopping 24 million viewers from 9 to just past 11 pm." Trump.Yesterday Trump was on virtually every Sunday morning gabfest-- except Fox's (which was busy pushing well-spoken nitwit Carly Fiorina, who insisted California, rather than, say, Mississippi has the highest poverty rate in the country).

Goldman Sachs: Masters of the Eurozone

From a 2011 report by The Independent. Click to Gaius PubliusInteresting headline, yes? I have a two-point intro and then the piece. First, when a "private" group's chief individuals flow back and forth constantly between government and that group, the group can be said to be "part" of government, or to have "infiltrated" government, or to have been "folded into" government.