Mary Ellen Balchunis

Ryan's Better Way May Be Better For Wealthy People Who Hate Paying Their Fair Share Of Taxes, But It's Devastating For Seniors

Paul Ryan's political raison d'être has been clear since he was first elected to Congress-- slashing the New Deal and subsequent social insurance policies to ribbons. That's what he got from reading Ayn Rand's books when he was just a little right-wing nut in high school.

Democratic Party Unity, The NRA, The DCCC And Mary Ellen Balchunis

As we mentioned yesterday, the head of the DSCC, Jon Tester, was one of 3 Democrats-- the other two being NRA shills Heidi Heitkamp and Joe Manchin-- to have crossed the aisle and voted with the Republicans to defeat an amendment by Chris Murphy that aimed to expand background checks on gun sales to include sales at gun shows and on the Internet.

House Democrats Continue A Decade-Long Quest For Mind-Boggling Mediocrity-- Where Party Unity Is A One Way Street

The nexus of Democratic Party evil-- their way or the highwayThe incompetence and venality of a DCCC run by corrupt conservatives-- particularly Rahm Emanuel and Steve Israel, the former a New Dem and the latter a Blue Dog-- has led to overwhelming Republican victories in the House, including in bright blue districts where Obama won in 2008 and/or 2012.

Can Local Democrats Cut Off The Tentacles Of DCCC Political Bosses-- In California?

Not the BeltwayWilliam Ostrander, the congressional candidate in CA-24-- Santa Barbara and San Luis Obsispo-- who has endorsed Bernie and is running on his issues, tends to get left out of the Beltway coverage of the race for open seat created by the retirement of backbencher Lois Capps. Capps and the DCCC picked their candidate, Salud Carbajal, and as far as the media wen, that was the end of the story.

Democrats In Name Only

It was pretty awesome that Democratic primary voters in PA-07 (the suburbs south and southwest of Philly) so thoroughly rejected the DCCC-recruited candidate Tuesday and voted massively for Elizabeth Warren-wing local progressive Mary Ellen Balchunis. Local Delaware County Democrats were as pissed off about DCCC heavy-handed interference as Democrats are all over the country. And in PA-07 they expressed that by voting 51,525 (73.8%) for Balchunis to 18,276 (26.2%) for the DCCC's wealthy handpicked outsider, Bill Golderer.