marriage equality

Would Bobby Jindal Appoint Ted Cruz To The Supreme Court?

Senators think the Supreme Court needs some fixin'I never wanted to be in the military. Mindless regimentation and homogenization have never been up my alley. But when the LGBT community started advocating for the right to serve, I was a supporter. Anyone who feels that that is the way they want to serve should have that right-- and should be admired for it.  Marriage is another societal institution that has never had any allure for me.

John Oliver and Stephen Colbert push back against the craziness of right-wingers mired in some other century

Like we pointed out yesterday, of the 34 conservative Democrats who voted with every House Republican against the Affordable Care Act, 31 were subsequently defeated or forced out of politics, many in the Great Blue Dog Apocalypse that decimated that Republican wing of the Democratic Party.

Can You Learn More Civics From Fox News Or From "Funny Or Die"?

Scalia flipped out after the majority of his Court colleagues rejected his entire life's judicial philosophy Thursday and Friday, first by voting against a frivolous lawsuit to undermine healthcare for millions of American families and then voting to erase the artificial barriers bigots and hate-mongers have erected to prevent gays and lesbians from marrying.

Crap Christians beg the Supreme Court (in an ad in the Washington Post) "not to force us to choose between the state and the Laws of God"

As Judd Legum notes (see below), the list of signatories "includes two presidential candidates, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee." (Click to enlarge -- a little.)by KenOne thing the Roberts Court has had to cultivate, given the number of bombshells it drops in among its major-case rulings, is a sense of theater, or at least careful planning of the way and especially the sequence in which those decisions are released.

Was Alexis Tsipras' Speech Today The Beginning Of The End For German Bankster Domination Of Europe?

This morning we started the day looking at the apparent huge victory for India's Aam Aadmi (Common Man's) Party in the Delhi Legislative Assembly. Tuesday, reformer and progressive icon Arvind Kejriwal, is expected to be named Chief Minister, a major blow to the national fascist-oriented regime of Narendra Modi.

Will Any Gay Mainers Be Fooled By HRC's Transactional Endorsement Of Republican Susan Collins?

The LGBT equality movement has been successful with the help of dedicated allies like Shenna Bellows and Marianne WilliamsonMaine Senator Susan Collins doesn't have a bad voting record on LGBT rights… for a Republican. Fir a normal human being, though, her record is awful-- and disgraceful.

If We're Going To Have Garbage Like Ted Cruz In The Senate, Let's Balance Him Out With Shenna Bellows

Ron Johnson is pretty much acknowledged to be one of the dimmest bulbs in the Senate-- and one of the most ideologically stubborn. He's Wisconsin's far right senator whose 52-47% defeat of Russ Feingold in 2010 was one of that very upsetting year's biggest upsets. Many in Wisconsin have been very sorry ever since. Example: 2 weeks ago only 3 crackpots in the whole Senate voted against the bipartisan compromise authorizing desperately needed money for the V.A.