Mark Esper

Army May Have Hosted Largest Gathering During Pandemic

Barbara BOLAND
The Pentagon “failed to adequately respond” to the COVID-19 pandemic, charged ten Democratic lawmakers in a letter sent to the Pentagon Monday. The lawmakers say “lack of clear guidance” from Defense Secretary Mark Esper has put service members at risk because there has not been a clear coronavirus policy across the Defense Department.

The Kerfuffle War – Trump’s Iran De-escalation Succeeds

Just like that, it was over. General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called it ‘a kerfuffle’. A letter was sent to their Iraqi peers that the U.S was repositioning troops out of Iraq in accordance with legislation from Iraq ending the U.S military presence in the war-torn country, and suddenly then it was retracted by higher-ups. Running interference, Mark Esper backed Milley and said it was ‘an honest mistake’. It all went down within a day of the irrational assassination of Iran’s Soleimani.

The mystery behind the Iraq withdrawal letter (Video)

PLEASE NOTE: We recorded this video hours before the Iranian missile strikes and US President Trump’s statement signaling the conclusion of military actions between the United States and Iran.
The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the origins, and possible authors, of the “Iraq withdrawal letter” leaked to Iraqi media, prompting U.S. General Milley and Defense Secretary Mark Esper to excuse the letter away as an “unauthorized draft” and “an honest mistake”

The Death of a General

The U.S. military-industrial-congressional triangle (MIC) is comprised of the Pentagon, the headquarters of the U.S. Armed Forces; industry, the corporations that sell goods and services to the Pentagon and allied governments; and U.S. Congress, which authorizes funding for the Pentagon to purchase industry’s goods and services. The MIC is insulated. It is entirely removed from the will of the U.S.