Marine Le Pen

Vladimir Putin joins the ranks of those disappointed with Donald Trump

Russian President Vladimir Putin has given an interview with Channel Mir-TV where he’s expressed his own dissatisfaction with Donald Trump’s foreign policy about-face.
Putin stated,

“It is possible to say that (Russia’s) level of trust (in the US) at the working level, especially at the military level, hasn’t become better; it has, in fact, eroded”.

Marine Le Pen joines chorus of Trump critics

Marine Le Pen has proved herself to be a woman of principle. It looks increasingly likely that Le Pen may shortly become the next President of France and in that capacity she would ideally want a good relationship with Donald Trump. She has said so.
But Le Pen who has consistently supported the democratic freedoms of the people in Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk and Lugansk has now come out to condemn Donald Trump’s illegal and aggressive missile launch on Syria.

Emmanuel Macron slips to tie with Le Pen in latest French election poll

After Brexit and the US elections, polls need to be taken with an extra grain of salt.
Emmanuel Macron is the globalist, EU, US chosen one to win the French elections.
Marine Le Pen is the last chance France may have to actually win back its sovereignty and save its declining cultural identity.
Francois Fillon was not anti-EU or anti-immigration, but he wanted better relations with Russia so he had to be marginalized with media driven scandals.

Marine Le Pen blasts the BBC for wanting to start WW3 with Russia (Video)

Just weeks ahead of the French presidential elections, Front National candidate Marine Le Pen sat down with the BBC’s Emily Maitlis to discuss Brexit, Putin and NATO.
Le Pen did not hold back, dishing out realpolitik answers to the BBC’s neo-liberal propaganda…

Key Le Pen moments:
On US policy toward Russia…

“The previous American administration put the Berlin Wall on wheels and pushed it back to Russia’s borders.”

Marine Le Pen tells election rally crowd, “the time has come to defeat globalists”

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen told a rally on Sunday that the European Union will disappear. Le Pen promised to protect France from the evils of globalisation, four weeks before voting gets underway in what will be historic elections in France.
The National Front (FN) party leader, told the rally in Lille that the French election would be the next step in what she called a global rebellion of the people…