Marine Le Pen

How ‘Forgotten French’ voters could push Le Pen over the top (VIDEO)

In the 2016 US presidential election, Donald Trump credited the “forgotten man and woman” for his astounding upset victory, which flew in the face of all the pollsters and predictions.
“They are forgotten no more,” he has said.
Now, France is heading to the polls on Sunday, in an election crucial to the future of not only France, but Europe itself.

Marine Le Pen is ready to do away with the EU flag (Video)

That wretched blue flag with gold stars has come to symbolize oppression, war, poverty, and massive Brussels corruption.
A far cry from what the European Union could have been.
Le Pen has the right idea. It is time to do away with the propaganda EU flag that is required, by “EU law”, to be displayed alongside all member nations’ national flag.

Obama’s back – ex-president caught on tape interfering in French election

He’s baaaack…
With his huge ego (much larger than Trump’s, I am sure) unable to stand remaining out of the spotlight, Barack Obama has publicly thrown his support behind left-wing establishment candidate Emmanuel Macron in France’s tight presidential race.
The first round of France’s presidential election is due to be held on Sunday. Should no one receive over 50% (almost certain to happen), the top two vote-getters will proceed to the second round on May 7th.

EXCLUSIVE: Marine Le Pen’s foreign policy manifesto revealed

Last month Marine Le Pen revealed her foreign policy program in front of foreign diplomats. Her speech received a warm and interested welcome, and, of course was ignored by the french mainstream media, much more interested by finding how many shirts and suits François Fillon got from his rich friends.
The late debate organized by TF1 between the five main candidates, Emmanuel Macron, François Fillon, Marine Le Pen, Benoît Hamon and Jean-Luc Mélenchon focused mainly on domestic affairs, the participants only had a couple of minutes to share their view on diplomacy.

Le Pen on Idlib: Placing Blame Before Inquiry ‘Blows Chances to Know the Truth’

Sputnik – April 20, 2017 PARIS – The UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution on the alleged chemical attack in Syria’s Idlib province should not blame any one party without first allowing an official investigation into the incident to be completed, France’s far-right presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen said Thursday. On April 4, dozens of people were […]

French Presidential candidate Francois Fillon says that ‘Crimea is Russia’

The First Round of the French Presidential elections will be held on Sunday as the race is quickly becoming dominated between the conservative/populist Marine Le Pen and centre-left candidate Emmanuel Macron.
However, in recent weeks, the embattled centre-right candidate Francois Fillon has been experiencing something of a resurgence.
As he has done in the past, Fillon has come out and adopted one of Marine Le Pen’s policies.

Marine Le Pen confirme qu'elle est en faveur du maintien de la loi anti-révisionniste

Invitée de Jean-Jacques Bourdin sur RMC et BFMTV ce mercredi 19 avril 2017, Marine Le Pen s’est franchement déclarée contre la suppression de la loi Gayssot, c’est-à-dire pour le maintien de cette loi. « Non, non », a-t-elle répondu au journaliste qui lui demandait si elle revenait sur sa condamnation du révisionnisme.

FEMEN disrupts Le Pen, removed from stage before she can remove her top (Video)

National Front leader, and French presidential hopeful, Marine Le Pen was interrupted on stage by a FEMEN protester.
The video below shows a young female protester running towards Le Pen with a bunch of flowers held above her head. The FEMEN protestor is about to remove her top before she is rushed away from the stage by Le Pen’s security detail.
For her part, Le Pen kept her composure amidst the interruption.