Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen Questions French Strike on Syria, Recalls Colin Powell’s Tube

Sputnik – 18.04.2018 In an interview with BFMTV, the leader of the right-wing National Front has cast doubt on the credibility of the claims made by French authorities in relation to missile strikes on Syria in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons in the city of Douma in Eastern Ghouta. “First of all, […]

European Union Wages Cold War Against Russia – Marine Le Pen

© Sputnik/ Ramil Sitdikov Sputnik – 23.03.2018 President of the National Front French political party Marine Le Pen has commented on the development of the situation around the poisoning of ex-Russia spy Sergei Skripal during a speech on the Franceinfo radio station. “I think that something bigger is behind these actions — a strategy aimed […]

The Far-Right Effort to Win Hearts and Minds Across the Atlantic

When Marine Le Pen took the reins of her father’s French far-right National Front party, she launched a well-crafted communication strategy to de-demonize the party’s image.
She distanced herself from unsavory associations and condemned the party’s more overtly racist and anti-Semitic elements. She also co-opted some of the lexicon of the left to appeal to the working class, and hijacked liberal values such as “secularism” or “equality” to attack Islam.

French prosecutors officially charge Marine Le Pen for tweeting against ISIS terrorists

The unelected rulers of the EU in Brussels are about to bring down one of their biggest critics, as lackey French President Macron is moving forward with charges against former French Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen.
It is no secret that the EU finds free speech to be a nuisance, and has nothing but contempt for leaders like Le Pen who has historically called out the dictatorial rule of Brussels, by highlighting the endless illegal wars in the Middle East, covert support for ISIS, and promotion of a destructive migrant policy.

Les Le Pen : tel père, telle fille, bien plus qu’on ne pense ?

En 1987, lors de l’affaire du « détail », Jean-Marie Le Pen a malheureusement très vite battu en retraite et il a finalement admis l’existence et le fonctionnement des mythiques « chambres à gaz [nazies] ».Tout récemment, « Hannibal », alias Martin Peltier, vient de nous faire une remarque en ce sens dans Rivarol et hier « Bocage » a été bien inspiré d’appeler notre attention sur son article (bulletin 5989, « Rivarol : Si seulement Le Pen avait osé … ») :Il faut toujours lire l’hebdomadaire Rivarol (19 avenue d’Italie, 75013 Paris, si l