Maria Zakharova

Overlooked Interview Reveals How Russia Really Views Obama’s Legacy

(ANTIMEDIA) An overlooked interview of Maria Zakharova with Russia’s 1 TV Channel, Russia’s Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, on a national Russian TV show has brought insight into the frustration Russia encountered in dealing with the Obama administration over the years. Zakharova suggested President Barack Obama will go down in history as one of America’s evilest presidents.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions targeted by neocons and liberal left. Maria Zakharova calls out US, fake news, hysteria

God forbid any US government official speak with the Russian Ambassador to the United States.
Perhaps the liberal left should expand this recent Russian hysteria to include firing anyone in the United States who speaks to anyone of Russian origin. You never know who may be a “Putin spy.”

Crimea is ‘our land’ – Russia firmly tells US that it will not be ‘given back’ to Ukraine

A day after White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Crimea should be “returned” to Ukraine – Russia lashed back saying in no way will Crimea be “given back” to Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in response.
“We don’t return our territories. Crimea is a territory of the Russian Federation,” Zakharova said at a weekly news briefing, referring to the Black Sea peninsula that voted in a referendum to join Russia in early 2014.

Watch Maria Zakharova Tear Anti-Russia/Syria Propaganda Apart…

Don’t usually share just videos or short posts, but this footage is worth sharing: particularly in the context of yesterday’s post on the escalating anti-Russia campaign in Western media. In this video, Maria Zakharova, the Russian Foreign Affairs spokesperson, gets visibly annoyed at a journalist who asks her the familiar Washington-scripted question: why is Russia […]