Maria Zakharova

ZAKHAROVA: Russia aware of possible locations for false flag attack

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has called America’s bluff in naming two possible locations in northwest Idlib Governorate where a possible chemical weapons false flag attack could occur. She named Saraqib and Ariha as two probable locations where terrorists could stage a false flag attack. Idlib is one of the few places west of the Euphrates where terrorists still occupy and control a considerable amount of  Syrian territory.
Zakharova stated,

“Indeed, there is new intel. We believe that this staging, this provocation is being prepared”.

ZAKHAROVA: Russia “alarmed” at US threats to Syria

Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed concern over a statement from White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer and America’s Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley threatening Syria with heavy military retaliation for a chemical attack that the US says is being prepared. Both Spicer and Haley omitted to mention that according to the OPCW, Syria does not have any chemical weapons.
Maria Zakharova wrote,

Vladimir Putin calls allegations Trump passed secrets to Russian FM Lavrov ‘political schizophrenia’

Russian President Vladimir Putin was speaking with the Italian Prime Minister in the Russian resort city of Sochi when he was asked about the latest events in the United States.
The Russian President said of the outlandish claims,
“We are seeing in the US a developing political schizophrenia.
There is no other way I can explain the accusations against the acting US president that he gave away some secrets to Lavrov”.
He further said, “those who spread them (rumours) are either stupid or dangerous”.

Russia’s scathing response to ‘Trumpleak’ story

Russian officials have given a withering response over the course of the day to the Washington Post’s story that US President Donald Trump leaked “highly classified information” to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during their recent meeting in the Oval Office.
I have discussed this story and explained why it is a cynical attempt to spin a standard diplomatic exchange into something sinister here.

The Russian photographer who snapped Trump and Lavrov speaks out

Cameramen and women are the silent, hard working people who make modern journalism happen. No matter who they work for, their job is to get a good clear shot of the news and news-makers. Rarely do they receive the acknowledgement they deserve, but without their hard work, things like RT and even CNN (depending on one’s preference/intellectual curiosity) wouldn’t be on-air.
Rarely do such people make the news and many who are interested in journalism but are camera or microphone shy, decide to sit behind the camera and sound mixers for that very reason.

BREAKING: ‘US most unpredictable state in the world’ – Russian Foreign Ministry

Foreign Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said that yesterday’s missile strike demonstrates that the US is the ‘..most unpredictable state in the world’ and that the illegal missile attack on Syria had nothing to do with finding out the truth behind the recent chemical weapons attack near Idlib.
In an interview with Rossiya-1 Zakharova said,

Russian Foreign Ministry says White Helmets cannot be trusted. Their info is fake news

On the first day of what will almost certainly be useless peace talks in Brussels, the United States, Britain and France have proposed a UN resolution condemning a chemical attack in Syria. The resolution is based on the fake news reports which were debunked in The Duran, shortly after Reuters ran the deceptive story.