Maria Zakharova

Maria Zakharova blows apart poisoning hoax: US should “be put under question”

According to RT, the Russian Foreign Ministry has stated that the substance used in the poisoning of Sergei Skripal may have originated from the countries studying the “Novichok” nerve agent, including the UK, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Sweden.
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Saturday…

Mariya Zakharova lays out the correct way to deal with assassination [VIDEO]

Maria Zakharova is a powerhouse for the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry. She is the go-to for all matters concerning sanctions against Russia, other accusations and slanderous attacks against Russia and less virulent affairs as well.
Here on video with English subtitles, she clearly, carefully and SANELY lays out the process and rationale for how to solve the matter of the alleged Novichok-utilizing assassination attempt on ex-spy Sergey Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

Kremlin quick to respond to Mueller’s conclusion that “13 Russian nationals” outsmarted America’s democracy

The world is laughing at conclusion’s drawn by the year plus Mueller investigation, stating in essence that some Russian guys posted mean things on social media about Hillary Clintonand this was bad because?
We are certain that the Kremlin had a very good Friday laugh after hearing Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein summarizing Mueller’s findings during a news conference…

Moscow Admits Non-Military Russian Deaths in Syria for the First Time

(MEE) — Five Russian citizens were likely killed in a US-led coalition bombing of pro-government Syrian fighters last week, Moscow said on Thursday, acknowledging non-military casualties in the attack for the first time. “We are possibly talking about the deaths of five people, supposedly citizens of the Russian Federation. Others are injured. But this all requires verification, […]

Russia slams US “occupation” of Syria after reports suggest the US will not leave Syria

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