Margaret Thatcher

Neoliberalism’s Slippery Slope

It is a fair statement that no American has influenced the modern world as much as Milton Friedman (American economist, 1912-2006).
Freidman, as one of the founders of neoliberal thought, and theory, in the late 1940s, became synonymous with “monetarism” and eventually with “neoliberalism,” and as follows, significantly, very significantly, his theory spread all across the earth from the shores of Melbourne to Sri Lanka to Cape Town to Cape Horn to Tokyo; it’s a neoliberal world.
Socialism and collectivism are dead.

Thatcher Milk Snatcher and the Decline of the West

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV April 23, 2013 Margaret Thatcher’s first high-profile political job came in 1970 when she was appointed to serve as education and science minister in the cabinet of the liberal Tory Edward Heath. She imposed a series of brutal budget cuts, the most infamous of which was the abolition [...]

Revealing Some Truths About Britain's So Called "Iron Lady": Margaret Thatcher's Part In The Sinking Of The Argentinian Battleship "General Belgrano"!

Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom between 1979 to 1990, and well known as the so called "Iron Lady" by many around the world, passed away yesterday at the age of 87.    Much of the news coming out of the United Kingdom for the last two days and many Jewish run media outlets around the world have paid tribute and much accolades to this woman, the United Kingdom's first and only female Prime Minister, and her legacy.   From what I have discovered through research about this woman, I do not hold her in the same high regard.....I want to present one article that I re