manufactured poverty Gaza

Laith Marouf on Palestinian legitimate Resistance to Israeli occupation & to the bombardment of Gaza

I spoke with Beirut-based geo-political analyst and media policy and law consultant, Laith Marouf, about Israel’s current indiscriminate bombing of Gaza, the events preceding this latest assault, and the remarkable new capabilities of Palestinian resistance in justly & legally resisting their occupier.

Quebec’s unnecessary curfew has ruined Ramadan. How long are people going to put up with it?

April 27, 2021, -by Eva K Bartlett Muslims in Montreal have endured a very difficult Ramadan this year courtesy of an 8pm curfew imposed just before it was due to start. It’s time for everyone to question why we are tolerating these authoritarian restrictions. Until recently, Montrealers could be outside of their homes until… Read More Quebec’s unnecessary curfew has ruined Ramadan. How long are people going to put up with it?

Interview on Last American Vagabond: Rukban Camp (Syria) & Gaza

Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond had me on his show to discuss Syria & Palestine.

“In this interview we go over the US-run al-Rukban internment camp in Syria and what these people have been forced to endure even as the MSM ignores their plight, as well as some of what Eva saw while living in Palestine, the parallels between the two atrocities, and the governmental ties that bind them.”


Addressing The Rebel’s Distorted and Lying Report on The Toronto (2018) Al Quds Day Protest

On Al Quds Day in Toronto, Canadians from many faiths and backgrounds came out in solidarity with Palestinians who have been and continue to be brutally oppressed by Israel. Notably, in recent months elite Israeli army snipers have gunned down unarmed Palestinian protesters, including medics, photographers, children.
Corporate media describes these as ‘clashes’ and thrusts blame on Palestinians, who are protesting for their basic human rights.

“Eva Bartlett discusses the power outage and daily abuses in Gaza”, ANC Report (AUDIO)

Apr 30, 2017, ANC Report

Thanks to Ryan Dawson for having me on to talk about the hell that is life in Gaza, as well as the struggle of Palestinian political prisoners, and solidarity with Syria.


(*Please note: webcam might be closer than it appears… Sorry for the close-up, some sort of setting or his recording program issue, I suppose.*)