
“Covid-19 Has Turned Public Health into a Patient-Killing Experiment”

Catte Black Potentially lethal doses of the therapeutic drug hydroxychloroquine are being administered in ‘clinical trials’, sometimes without patient consent. Nearly a quarter of those participating in one such trial subsequently died. From the beginning of the SARS-COV-2/COVID19 pandemic rollout there have been disturbing hints, rumours and even overt whistleblower claims of seemingly gross medical …

Gross Hospital Negligence Does Not Exempt Celebrities

Solid studies by physicians at leading medical schools have been warning of the huge casualty toll that flows from preventable problems in hospitals. A 2016 peer-reviewed study by physicians at the Johns Hopkins University of Medicine estimated that at least 5,000 people a week in the U.S. lose their lives due to such causes as hospital-induced infection, medical malpractice, inattentiveness, and other deficiencies. Media attention lasted one day.