Mahdi al-Harati

From al-Qaeda Terrorist To CIA “Freedom Fighter”: One Man’s Journey From Europe To Libya

Mahdi al-Harati, former commander of the Tripoli Brigade during the Libyan Civil War, is seen here fighting in Syria as commander of Liwaa Al-Umma, a designated terrorist group fighting the Syrian government.
BEIRUT (Analysis) – Interpol may be on the hunt for the former mayor of Libya’s capital of Tripoli – an Irish-Libyan man who has been named as an international terrorist by Saudi Arabia.

The Tunisia Massacre and the Irish-ISIS Connection

By Maidhc Ó Cathail | The Passionate Attachment | June 30, 2015 “The murder of three Irish citizens at a tourist resort in north Africa has brought Islamic terrorism much closer to home,” Cormac O’Keefe observes in the Irish Examiner. “Until now we have looked on in shock, and revulsion, at terror attacks targeting other Europeans, either […]