Porkins Policy Radio episode 126 Wayne Madsen and Andrew Kreig on Trump, Epstein, and the Waterbury Connection

Investigative reporters Wayne Madsen and Andrew Kreig join me today to discuss their recent investigation into Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein’s 1994 rape of a 12 year old girl name “Maria.” We begin by talking about the tip that led them to look into this case. We then look into Maria’s hometown of Waterbury, Connecticut and the circumstances surrounding her abduction outside of Nash’s Pizzeria. Wayne and Andrew discuss Waterbury’s history of covering up sexual abuse scandals.

The Kennedy Papers: no evidence of conspiracy to murder but evidence of a conspiracy to conceal huge incompetence

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Hollywood is Weird & Gross: Weinstein, IT & Creeper Cults – Jay Dyer

Harvey Weinstein is being portrayed as the root of all problems in Hollywood – “patriarchal males” – as if this were a feminism issue. The root problem is much worse, which is the systematic using of people and children, as well as promoting a mass agenda that is intent on damaging humans globally. Hollywood is a weaponized covert operation of mind control and cults that is, thank God, falling apart.
Purchase my book here.

Reverse Logic: No “God Bless America” But Damn America for Its Deeds

It’s as if a moral and cultural bomb has been detonated now that this guy tweets and says things not allowed in school. I have youth in my ‘behavior room’ saying stuff right from the president’s mouth. These words and statements we do not allow children to say in school. Racist and sexist and anti-disabilities things, we don’t tolerate but the president is spouting off these horrendous statements. I’ve already got my hands full with young people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities that put them in the behavioral and defiance categories.

Las Vegas & The Mafia, CIA Black Markets & Russian Geopolitics – Jay Dyer / Tim Kelly

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his recent lectures analyzing Carroll Quigley’s The Anglo-American Establishment, Miles Copeland’s Game of Nations, and the writings of the Russian Professor Alexander Dugin and his Fourth Political Theory. Jay Dyer is the host of Jay’s Analysis , the co-host of Hollywood Decoded, and the author of Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film. This was recorded prior to the events in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas Shooting Strange Facts & Inconsistencies – Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film, as well as the host of the JaysAnalysis Podcast/Esoteric Hollywood. He is also a regular contributor to 21stCenturyWire, Soul of the East and the Espionage History Archive. Jay’s work covers a wide variety of subjects, including metaphysics, film analysis, theology, geopolitics, literature, and history.