Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahYup. The White House is now the Trump Crime Family Social Club. Would it shock you if Sammy The Bull Gravano was the doorman at 1600?Drugs? You bet. The pill-popping wiseguys and made men (and women) of the Trump Administration now refer to house doctor Ronny Jackson as "The Candyman" as they've brought government drug abuse to new heights. Drugs explain a lot.

Who Keeps Trying To Burn Down Trump Tower, Baku? As Trump Said, The Mob Takes The Fifth

Yesterday's fire at Trump Tower Azerbaijan isn't being covered correctly by the media. The real story is that Trump and his Mafia buddies have been trying to burn the building down-- for insurance purposes-- for a couple of years. I'll get to that in a moment. First, though, let's look at what's being so shoddily reported this weekend.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWell, guess what, Trump actually does know something: Mobsters take the fifth, as they are entitled to do under our judicial system. But, Señor Trumpanzee ought to know quite about about mobsters and their ways. He's associated with them for decades. 'Associated' may even be too mild of a word. Should we be surprised that Donald Trump tries to run the government like a don of another kind?