Exemple de journalisme d'investigation sur les RÉSEAUX PÉDO-SATANISTES - Abus Rituels aux Pays-Bas / ARGOS 2020

Les journalistes d'investigation néerlandais d'Argos (NPO Radio 1) ont recueilli les témoignages de plus de deux cents victimes d'abus sexuels organisés. Cent quarante d'entre elles ont clairement décrit des abus rituels. Dans ce dossier, six personnalités publiques bien connues ont été mentionnées par plusieurs victimes comme faisant partie des agresseurs. Plus de 10 lieux ont été cité, dont un entrepôt de la Bollenstreek qui a été identifié comme un lieu de "stockage" et de (...)

Tribune Libre

Shaun Atwood / Jay Dyer – Who Killed Epstein Book

 Shaun Attwood, host of one of YouTube’s top true crime podcasts joins me to discuss deep politics, Epstein, and his new book on the true story behind one of the biggest stories of the last few years that implicates the elite in the very thing we real world analysts have known for a long […]
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Jimmy Savile, Peter Sutcliffe, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley: Shaun Attwood / Jay Dyer

 Following up on last year’s popular interview with Shaun Atwood, Jay and Shaun do a deep dive in this sample video on the figure of Savile and his potential for being a hitman and/or intelligence asset.  Savile undoubtedly was used by power players for compromise and blackmail operations and perhaps even more, given his […]

Organized Crime & Serial Killers – Jay Dyer on OIT

Jay Dyer returns to Our lnteresting Times to discuss his Mafia and organized crime lecture series. We talk about the links connecting the American Mafia to the power elite/shadow government. We also discuss the serial killer phenomenon and the disturbing connections of some of the most notorious serial killers to the U.S. military and political […]
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Serial Killers, Hollywood, CIA & the Mafia – Meta-Politics with Richard Grove – GTW Podcast

 Watch Grand Theft World Live with episode 019 – Jay Dyer joins Richard Grove to discuss all things meta-politics with topics as diverse as serial killers, mk ultra, organized crime and more! To watch the Grand Theft World live stream (somewhere other than youtube that also has a lively chat audience), create your FREE […]

The History of the Mafia Proves the New W0rld 0rder

Following up on the mafia and organized crime series, Jay Dyer hosts the 4th hour of the hAlex J0nes Show and links the structure of the mafia to the power elite/shadow government.  Learning one gives insight into the other – we cover wartime activities and profits, JFK, RFK and Momo, as well as the assassination. […]
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The Mafia: The 5 Families, Vegas & The FBI – Jay Dyer Pt. 2 (Half)

Following up on the mafia and organized crime series, we move in lecture 2 to covering Carlo Gambnino, wartime activities and profits, the rise of Vegas and the casino rackets, the key players in Vegas and the move of the FBI to crack down on the families and their operations.  After Gambino we move to […]
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Best Mafia Movies! Scarface, Goodfellas, Casino & More – Jay Dyer (Half)

 Jay and Jamie cover 8 of the best mafia movies: We will analyze Goodfellas, Scarface, Donnie Brasco, Casino, Bugsy, Cotton Club, Untouchables, the Departed and more! Be sure to follow our work by subscribing or asking questions via Streamlabs! The full show will be available to paid subs to JaysAnalysis at the link below. […]