JaysAnalysis: Nina Kouprianova on Espionage & Geopolitical Tensions (Half)

Nina Kouprianova is an independent analyst of geopolitics and culture. She earned her PhD (History) from the University of Toronto, focusing on modern and contemporary Russia, culture, and U.S. foreign policy. In this interview we discuss her translations and articles found at Espionage History Archive, Soul of the East and on her own blog, NinaByzantina. Critical of the leftist tyranny in modern academia, Nina tells us about her experiences in the West, as well as her upbringing in Russia.

Who's More Mobbed-Up, Herr Trumpf Or The Clintons... Does It Matter?

Paul "Big Paul" Castellano, Anthony "Fat Tony" Salerno, Roy Cohn, Herr TrumpfOf the times we've covered Anthony "Fat Tony" Salerno, then of the Genovese crime family, currently enjoying the hospitality of a federal penitentiary, one batch of stories was about a Mafia-affiliated Republican congressman from Staten Island, Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm (currently in federal prison on a

Is There Any Actual "News" In The Michael Grimm Sentencing? Not For Our Brilliant Journalists

Friday, Brooklyn Federal District Court Judge Pamela Chen gave Mafia thug-turned-congressman Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm, a very harsh dressing down-- very harsh. No one can ever accuse Pamela Chen of not being one harsh dresser-downer. "That this type of crime is common does not lessen its significance," the judge said. "Your moral compass, Mr.

Why Do Our Elites Keep Behaving Like Criminals And Sociopaths?

I've always been a law-and-order kind of guy. And yesterday I was horrified-- though not surprised-- when CIA Director John Brennan admitted the CIA had hacked Senate computers. Government officials do these kinds of things with alacrity because they know that even in the unlikely chance that they get caught, nothing happens to them anyway. Has Brennan been fired? Indicted? Jailed?

Will Aaron Schock Be Collateral Damage As The Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm Scandal Unfolds?

Aaron has always been a sucker for psychotic blue eyes on tough guysYesterday, just as the news was breaking that Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm, the Mafia-connected (Gambino Crime Family) Staten Island Republican was in federal custody and had been indicted on twenty counts, one of his colleagues in the House of Representatives, a prominent attorney who knows how to read in

Lew Rockwell tells New York Times reporter he’s “part of the [government] regime”, yet he’s the Chairman of a government-sanctioned and regulated institution, the Mises Institute

From this January 25, 2014 New York Times hit piece against Rand Paul and Mises Institute associates, Lew Rockwell told a New York Times reporter who requested a tour of the Mises Institute campus that he’s “part of the regime“, yet Lew Rockwell himself is the Chairman of a government-sanctioned and government-regulated institution, the 501(c)(3) […]

Self-described “anti-state” regularly posting state media articles by Russia Today

As further evidence of the “say one thing, do another” mentality of some Austrian adherents, like Lew Rockwell, in claiming to be anti-state, yet voluntarily entering into an agreement with government, here we have Lew Rockwell’s self-described “anti-state” site regularly posting state media articles by Russia Today. Amazingly, as of January 3, 2014, LRC has […]