
Syria War Diary: Order Returns To Western Cities, Civilians Recount Horrors Of Rebel Rule

HOMS, SYRIA — In the last year, the Syrian cities of Aleppo and Madaya have become familiar to the international community as they have become subjects of heavy propaganda amid corporate media coverage to justify a so-called “humanitarian” war. Another area used in the war propaganda was al-Waer, a district of Homs occupied by the Western armed and financed “moderates” of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), al-Nusra (al-Qaeda in Syria), Ahrar al-Sham, and terrorists showing allegiance to Daesh (ISIS).

Part III – Voices from Syria: Assad is Essential for Syria’s Unity & Security

Rev. Andrew Ashdown
21st Century Wire
“Syria’s triumph over terrorism and maintaining the secular identity of Syria is what will bring back a good relationship with Europe.  It will also solve the problem of refugees and it will restore peace. Nothing can be achieved without getting rid of terrorism.” ~ Dr Ali Haider

Russia has offered US ‘concrete plan’ to end Syrian crisis – Lavrov

RT | February 10, 2016 Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has revealed the US is studying Moscow’s “concrete” plan to end the war in Syria, while expressing concerns that rhetoric over the humanitarian issue is hindering efforts to resolve the crisis in the Arab country. “During our contacts with Washington, we have proposed an absolutely […]

Time to Grow Up about Syria Propaganda [RADIO interview]

An interview I did with Brendan Stone yesterday on his program, Unusual Sources. Their introduction:
“Guest: Eva Bartlett, Canadian journalist, who has visited Syria 4 times in the past three years.
Mainstream media reporting and NGO social-media posts about starvation in the Syrian village of Madaya are designed to elicit an emotional response and build support for military intervention in Syria. Reality on the ground there, and elsewhere in Syria is ignored.

Canada’s Shame

By Mark Taliano | OffGuardian | January 18, 2016 Canadians should be hanging their heads in shame. Our government is guilty of the most egregious criminal acts as defined by Nuremberg Principles, and we are bona fide members of the State Sponsors of Terrorism club. When our government bombs the sovereign state of Syria without […]