Lucas St. Clair

Building A Bigger And More Powerful Swamp In The Age Of Señor Trumpanzee

Yesterday Politico began the day with couple of paragraphs detailing how normalized corruption has become in The Swamp. And, yes, of course there's never been as huge and as toxic a swamp as the Trump swamp. "YES, guys like Michael Cohen routinely get paid amounts like $1.2 million to offer insights about their boss or former boss. Yeah, it’s crazy.

Is ME-02's Congressional Seat For Sale? Let's Hope Not

One way America has been turning into a plutocracy is because the Democratic Party, at least since Pelosi picked Rahm Emanuel to head the DCCC over a decade ago-- has mimicked the Republican Party in recruiting self-funding multimillionaires to run for Congress, all but shutting out working class aspirants for public office. These multimillionaires tend to be far more conservative than non-multimillionaires, though wealthy people-- like Rahm and Pelosi-- are incapable of seeing that.