Long Island

Who Thinks It's A Coincidence That The NRCC Doesn't Run Anyone Against Steve Israel?

There are only 9 congressional districts with PVIs of zero. They are neither R+1 nor D+1. They are true 50/50 swing districts. Every single one of them is fiercely contested every election cycle… except one. Obama won all these districts in 2008 and, with one exception (IL-13), he won all of them last year. The 9 districts have 3 GOP incumbents and 6 Democratic incumbents. The DCCC has targeted the 3 Republicans and the NRCC has targeted 5 of the 6 Democrats.

If Steve Israel Wasn't Head Of The DCCC, Peter King's Votes Against Healthcare Would Doom His Reelection Chances... If, If, If...

Peter King, Steve Israel-- Princesses: Long IslandMonday, Steve Benen, set out to define exactly what progressives mean when they say Republicans are sabotaging the Affordable Health Act. Their nihilism and class war are unlike anything since the Civil War.

Will Glenn Greenwald Run For Congress Against Peter King?

Terrorist supporter Peter King and civil libertarian Glenn GreenwaldLong Island as a geographical entity includes all of 4 counties: from east to west, Suffolk, Nassau, Queens and Kings (Brooklyn). Long Island as a state of mind is Nassau and Suffolk. When someone in NYC says they're going to "the Island," no one thinks they mean Brooklyn or Queens.

Can "Ex"-Blue Dog Steve Israel Be Beaten... Preferably In A Primary?

When making an excuse for reappointing Israel chairman of the DCCC, despite his dismal failure in 2012, the nicest thing Nancy Pelosi could muster to say about his abilities was that he's "reptilian." Although he claims he performed so horrifically in 2012 because his wife was divorcing him, he doesn't seem to have learned a thing and is leading the Democrats to doom