Long Island

Peter King Vows To Support Trump-- Time To Vow To Remove King From Office

Peter King should retireDuWayne Gregory is the presiding officer of the Suffolk County legislature. In 2010, New York redistricting moved Peter King's Nassau County district significantly east into Suffolk County, and a significantly bluer part of Suffolk County at that. King is a longtime political ally of Steve Israel and the DCCC has never challenged King and has discouraged local Democrats who have.

New York State of Mind

-by Tracy B AnnSome people have no sense of place, nowhere that they feel strong ties to, nowhere they can call home. I have a couple. Michigan is where I was born and grew up and it will always be home to me. I live in Tennessee and it’s all right. There are a lot of things that I like about it here. It’s a lot warmer than Michigan, there are nice hills, and, um, it’s warmer than Michigan.I think I’ve been to most states in the country, except Texas. Sorry, but Texas just freaks me out. I was on a tour bus close to getting there once when I had to stop, get off and fly home.

The Republican Party Is Drumpf

Heading into Confederate Super-Tuesday today CNN showed Herr Trumpf with more support than the 2 junior senators and the confused Ohio governor combined (49-37%). One polling question asked how likely would voters be to back Trumpf in the general election. 48% of registered Republicans said they would either "probably not" (13%) or "definitely not" (35%) support Herr Trumpf.

Steve Israel Is Retiring. Will Long Islanders Replace Him With A Genuine Democrat? Meet Jonathan Clarke

If you define Long Island as Nassau and Suffolk County, as most New Yorkers do, you're looking at 4 congressional districts, all won by Obama both times he ran. All 4 current congressmembers are more conservative than their constituents. Failed PR executive and former Blue Dog Steve Israel has represented NY-03 for 16 years since winning the open seat by defeating an African-American woman, Joan Johnson.

The Republicans May Mourn The Loss But Steve Israel Is A Name To Be Quickly And Unceremoniously Forgotten

Unless this is the first time you've come to DWT you can probably guess that yesterday was a very special day for me: Steve Israel announcing he is retiring from Congress. The details haven't come out yet but there is little doubt he isn't retiring to spend more time as a failed author of inconsequential books.

Whatever Happened To Peter King's Presidential Run?

Fox News Sunday was unable to book anyone credible this past weekend so they got stuck with failed GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and Long Island neocon Peter King. King, as usual, was all about drumming up fear and panic in the hopes that his party will frighten enough people so that Republicans on Long Island can buck history and win races next November. King, as always, is eager to authorize domestic spying, particularly of mosques.

The Wreckage Of The House Democrats Will Never Come Back While Blue Dogs And New Dems Are Running The Show

DCCCThere is a natural tendency for the Beltway trade press to never offend the two party establishments and their committees that exercise so much control of access and information. It was the same way in the music industry. So you never read any criticism of the party hacks that run the NRCC or the DCCC, the NRSC or the DSCC.

There Is No Reasonable Case To Be Made For A Democratic Take Back Of The House, Not While Steve Israel Is Still There

As venal as Rahm-- but with fewer functioning brain cells-- DCCC wreckers, Israel and Van HollenThere is virtually no serious coverage of the colossal failure of the DCCC under Chris Van Hollen and Steve Israel, two incompetent Pelosi allies who have presided over the loss of dozens of Democratic House seats in 2010, 2012 and 2014-- and for countless missed opportunities.