
What the Science Says about COVID-19

Very insightful words from Ottawa-based physicist and interdisciplinary scientist, Denis Rancourt, a former tenured professor of physics at U of Ottawa (20+ years) and currently a researcher with the Ontario Civil Liberties Association. He has written over 100 papers in leading scientific journals. Denis speaks about a variety of issues pertaining to COVID-19, the faulty […]
The post What the Science Says about COVID-19 first appeared on Dissident Voice.

No Victory Lap for Governors Who Locked Down America

American Institute for Economic Research, July 14, 2021 No Victory Lap For Governors Who Locked Down America James Bovard There are no fact-checkers for victory laps. Last week, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo summarized his experience with the Covid-19 crisis: “Speaking for myself, it was a tremendous personal benefit.” Cuomo made that declaration in a […]

The Lie of the Booming Economy and “Operation Fear”

This Spring The Economist published various stories about the impending economic boom and I immediately wanted to know what planet (or drugs) these forecasters were on. Headlines of positive after-effects abound but read through to the end of some of these stories and the economic windfall is not all that the headlines have foretold: “Enjoy the coming boom while it lasts. […]

The Chair Is Against the Wall: A Letter to the Occupied Zone 

Day 509 of the pandemic. If you’re reading this letter, you still have some freedom. Don’t take it for granted. And don’t ask, why didn’t you warn me earlier? Don’t say, I would have resisted. That isn’t true. We don’t know how to resist. That’s why we bow our heads and follow the herd, looking […]
The post The Chair Is Against the Wall: A Letter to the Occupied Zone  first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Clinching in the Breach: Matt Hancock Resigns

From his secure fortress of contented spite, Dominic Cummings, exiled from the power he once wielded at Number 10 as one of the chosen, must have felt a sense of satisfaction.  Biliously, the former top aide to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson had scorned the now former UK Health Secretary in a performance before MPs […]
The post Clinching in the Breach: Matt Hancock Resigns first appeared on Dissident Voice.