
Former Member Of The Krokodiloes Has Been Indicted For His Work For Paul Manafort's Ukraine Schemes

All the headlines about Greg Craig's indictment include a reference to him having been a former Obama White House staffer-- like this one from the Wall Street Journal: Former Obama White House Counsel Expects to Be Indicted It could have easily read "Former Phillips Exeter Academy student expects to be indicted," "Former member of Harvard's Kroko

Did You Ever Imagine Abramoff Would Be A DC Player Again? He's Out Of Jail-- And Attacking AOC And The Green New Deal

I was shocked to learn that Jack Abramoff is still working as a DC lobbyist. I thought he was selling kosher pizza for a living. Who would be seen with him? Who would even take his call? He was involved with so many scandals that Wikipedia has a unique page called Jack Abramoff Scandals, not a topic... its own page. A couple of reminders.

A Battle In Congress: The Reformers vs The Corruptionists

Friday, Brave New Films released this short, powerful clip of Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA), Vanita Gupta (of the Leadership Conference) and Sherrilyn Ifill (of the NAACP) at the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing on H.R.1, the new bold and decisive groundbreaking reform package that includes voting rights, campaign finance and anti-corruption ethics reforms. They are seen here schooling one of the Republican witnesses/proud voter suppressors.

Leave It To The DC Establishment To Screw Up Democratic Races Across The Country: Hawaii And Orange County

No reason to settle for crooked GOP-lite candidates in primaries when you have solid progressives like Laura Oatman and Kaniela Ing runningMany of the people who have ever even heard of Doug Chin just know him from the Rachel Maddow show where she celebrates anyone who hates Trump without ever giving any context.

After Snubbing EU Parliament, Monsanto Lobbyists Find Themselves Banned

Agrochemical giant Monsanto’s fight to renew the chemical license for its most popular herbicide, glyphosate (aka “Roundup”), was dealt a major blow this past Thursday when the European Parliament officially banned lobbyists representing the interests of the corporation. The move came after the controversial corporation and its lobbyists refused to attend a parliamentary hearing regarding allegations that Monsanto had sought to unduly influence studies examining glyphosate’s safety.

There's Never Been A More Fetid Swamp In Washington Like The One Trump Has Set Out To Create

NPR's Fresh Air has a fascinating piece on Wednesday that sought to shone some light on how the Trump Regime is accomplishing quite a bit while everyone is paying attention to the clown tripping all over himself in the center ring. The guest was NY Times journalist Eric Lipton and he's been reporting on how the Trump Regime has brought in lobbyists to help destroy the regulations that have protected the public from the very industries that those lobbyists were working for-- and no doubt will again.